So as I was getting my teeth cleaned yesterday, I was watching the Mike & Juliet Show, some NBC or Fox morning show I think. Anyway, they had a married couple on there stating that they never have sex. Yea I know what you're thinking...burrrr how is this possible?! Married with no sex......Then you think of the stereotypes about married couples not gettin' in on the regular and it makes you question the whole married thing right? Well, they seemed like a nice married family with two kids (ages 8 and 12), so they are familiar with the act. However, the husband is a truck driver, ALWAYS on the road, and the mother is a nurse with a rather stable schedule. She goes to work, kids, homework, bed. Often missing her husband for days, when he does come home, she doesn't feel the need to have some "alone" time to reconnect the passion they had once before, and apperantly neither does he. They blame it on the kids and how tired they are. Kids can be real "sex police", but with some music or a tv in the background, and/or a baby sitter, you can MAKE a WAY, no excuses!
So a sex therapist asked the couple how they felt about the lack of sexual encounters they had, telling the wife that her lack of ambition for sexual relations, could lead her husband to stray away and "get it in" on the road. She stated that she wasn't worried about him cheating, she's comfortable with her relationship (all bull if you ask me!!!). The husband proclaims that he is waaaaaay too busy on the road to cheat (more bull if you ask me!!!). Now something sounds a bit fishy here. So I started thinking, maybe they both ARE TO TIRED, or maybe they're JUST NOT SEXUAL PEOLE. Then the sex therapist began to speak. She stated that sex is good for you, it is one of the three things people need to survive, of course it helps to procreate, but you need that, water, and food.
A male sex therapist began rattling off the healthy things sex can do for you. He says, the more sex a guy has the less of a chance he'll likely develop prostate cancer. Yes, he said all that built up fluid in the sacks, does a body good, if it's released on the regular. Second, sex is a good source of exercise, knowing that a good amount of it can help you burn some calories. If you can't make it to the gym, just have sex a couple of times a week and you'll be good..LOL. Third, having sex releases endorphins, yea the happy hormones that we all have. If you're having a bad day, release that stress by increasing your recreational activities to include bedroom action!!! Fourth, sex helps couples reconnect, both of the therapist stated that a little love making is good for the soul. It is a connection that only you and your partner can share, so it is healthy for a well balanced relationship, expressing love and passion, with intimate contact.
These are just a few things to think about. Society, Religion, etc. have turned sex into a bad thing because children and immature people play with it. It can also be very dangerous, with unwarranted children being born, and diseases that may arise. But if taken seriously, and engaged in cautiously, it can be an added benefit to your life, and can ultimately save your life! Think joyous thoughts people and go have sex...bye now.... :-)