Are tattooed rings more symbolic than a tradional wedding band?
In my eyes wearing a ring has more of a meaning than just flauting a jewel (which the jewelry companies just love). It is more of an exchange of love placed on the ring finger which from history is the finger that is connected to the heart, a symbol of love. Blessing a ring and placing a ring on that finger during the ceremony is when a person declares their eternal love for one another (the pastor makes you repeat.."with this ring...I thee wed...".... he doesnt say..."with this tattoo I thee wed..."LOL. It has been tradition since the 11th century in most religious cultures.
For me, I want my wedding band engraved with the name my husband and the date of our marriage inside it, this strengthens the symbolism of this precious jewel and the sentiment of the rings, as it be passed down from generation to generation. Now I'm not saying a tattoo on that finger is a bad idea, it's all in what you make it...tattoos are risky either way... but at the same time, anyone can tattoo their body with their girlfriend or boyfriends name on them, it does not mean the same thing to me. I believe going through a ceremony, and performing the act under god, is what makes it better. A tattoo can be put on a person anyday, and at any cost, there is nothing particularly special about it. A tattoo alone doesnt particularly classify you as a married person. Upon explaination you can therefore inform people that you are married and why it's on that finger, etc. But someone from afar can see the ring and know what the deal is, whether they are attracted to the ring, or not.
Now of course you're not gonna wear your ring 24/7 there will be days when it has to be taken off, for comfort reasons, at certain jobs, you may not want to mess it up, or snag it on things, that's understandable. But not wearing one at all, or having one at all for that matter, justifies something different to me, in a semi-negative light. It's something every man in the past generations had to get used to, one of many sacrifices they make when they do get married, is freeing up their 1 poor little finger on their left hand to wear a ring. I can see in the past men not wearing them because they couldn't afford one, now that I understand, and a ring is not the only thing that symbolizes marriage, in my eyes, its just a tradition, but people of this generation, just LOVE changing tradition and creating their own lil meanings behind stuff..lol it never fails. The bible also talks about tattoos not being cool, and we made our own rules for that too, so I guess it'll never stop.
However, do as you see fit, do what you want to do, no one can judge you, so wearing one or not wearing one is still your choice, but I just wanted to share that with you :-)
Please let me know your thoughts and feelings on this...
Is it hard for a man who doesn't wear jewelry, to wear one when he gets married?
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Is it the new thing being accepted by men of this generation?
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