Thursday, December 18, 2008

Body Language of Love

After reading an article in Cosmo...I found out some thought provoking things regarding body languange. Here are a couple of tips about how to decode your man's thought by the way he "cuddles".

If He pulls you onto his chest.
Although your dude may present himself as tough or thourough, he's really a lil soft inside. If he brings you close to his heart, it's symoblic of him showing you that he's attached to you. Holding you against a masculine part of his body, his chest, is also his way of letting you know he can protect you. This is one of my favorites, because I like feeling secure with my man. :-)

If He's a "spooner".
This is definately a snuggle position: when you're curled up, your rear pressed against his "package", his hands can feel every part of you. This shows that your man is a physical person who enjoys the feeling of your form against his, and he may have a high sex drive as well. But while he truly enjoys the contact of cuddling, he might not be as comfortable expressing himself emotionally. Expect him to show you his affection with his gestures and actions, rather than with words. Though this may not be the case for all men, it could have some truth in it.

If he puts his head in your lap.
If you're a woman who loves taking care of a man, this is your dude! Sometimes men who prefer this position tend to be a little needy in relationships. They could look to their girlfriends to make them feel good about themselves. At the same time he is comfortable with his emotions, very sensitive, and willing to share what's in his head, so it's not all bad. This dude wants to make you happy, he'll lavish you with erotic attention and make it his mission to help you reach ultimate bliss.

And lastly.....
If he throws an arm around you.
The putting one arm around you positions, is not a very intimate move. It's sort of the bare minimum, if you will. He's doing the "minimum" form of cuddling, without adjusting his level of comfort. The good thing is, as your man, he recognizes that close contact is important to you and respects your needs enough to snuggle, even if it is just for your sake. At least he takes direction well when it comes to pleasing you. If you tell him what you want, he more than likely do it and get it right from here on out...

So do you think this body launguage thing is true?


jiburgess said...

Man this is really accurate. Well at least for me.

Anonymous said...

I would say that this article was very much so on point. I would love to see this in a scientific study. It would be interesting to see just how indicative the cuddlign styles of men are in comparison to their personalities.

Good stuff right here!