Friday, January 30, 2009

What is with her?! Is she seeking to find love from fetuses..does she not get tired of sleepless nights, buying out massive amounts of pampers from Costco...is there a mental problem involved, or is this truly her love for children. I mean I have a large amount of siblings and I love them all, and am blessed, but to raise an army, navy, football team, and baseball team all at once, is a bit much. I think this lady needs a little love from someone. I'm not sure if this is her experiement to get famous and seek handouts, I'm just not sure. Anyway, I write all of that to say, I think she's beyond crazy with this one!!! She doesn't even have her own house, and 9 times out of 10, she will not be working for at least another 5 or 6 years to pay her dues to society. It's amazing how someone can claim the babies are gifts from god, when they weren't created in a godly way (with a man and a woman), but rather in a science lab at the hospital. It's absolutely ridiculous for her to put that much pressure on anyone, she is not an octopus and can't use all 8 arms to hold the babies when they're crying at once. That's one of those things where her parent should have kicked her out and told her what the meaning of tough love is. Unless they aren't too well off in the head either!!! what would posses someoen to do something like that. I hope none of her kids end up likethe kids in this picture!!!
Friday, January 23, 2009
POVERTY doesn't mean FOREVER a poem by yours truly!

what do you know about it, holdin’ us back by giving us pity,
we don’t need it, you can keep it, we need you to think through this clearly,
it’s a perpetuating cycle, the reason we live this way,
we got mad bills that WE JUST CAN’T PAY,
pay this bill, that bill, get a small raise,
then loose the welfare benefits in a matter of days,
so we choose to NOT take the money that’s just sittin’…
so guess what, we’re really not benefittin’
it’s not helping us at all, but rather, it’s a hinder,
more like a deadly crash, than a fender bender….
get some skills my people, try to maintain,
don’t sit up here and just complain,
I see you with your Gucci and Prada purse, some of your stuff still has tags
then you get in line and whip out the food stamps, to fill your grocery bags,
then your baby has on Jordan’s, but can’t spell their name,
so what gives you the right to sit up here and complain,
do you even know how to communicate with his teachers?!?!?
you get mad because he’s in timeout, sittin’ on the bleachers,
unless you have done all you can,
don’t sit up here and blame “The Man”
this may be something that you don’t want to hear,
scared to progress because of that “black fear”,
you don’t want to be a sell out right?, that’s what I always hear
since you were born in the hood, you want to die in the hood,
if you think that’s cute, then go ahead and stay, maybe you should
look I’ve been in this same situation, no heat, no lights, no groceries, we all face it,
instead of you sittin’ on your butt waiting for a check, work to eliminate it
do what you have to do to survive, and I don’t mean rob folks and do drive bys,
I mean really better yourself, with some knowledge, it can be street or book,
I just want you to learn something and take a look,
look at this situation, so you can see why I carry it,
I’m not oblivious, I know poverty exist, hell some are married to it,
I grew up in it, if not worse off than you,
but I took a vow to advance and pull through,
graduated at the top of my class,
went to college, now I’m in grad school, I didn’t just sit on my a$%,
So don’t tell me achievement is not possible,
until you’ve exhausted all your options, and faced an unmovable obstacle,
for Christ sake now we have a BLACK MAN, running this here LAND,
you can’t need much more motivation,
do something people, I don’t want us to face annihilation,
In Africa we’ve faced assimilation, now we need some unshakable dedication,
I’m keepin’ it real right?!?! I’m tellin’ it like it is,
So don’t tell me to stay outta your family biz….
Yes,I lived “IT”, BUT “IT” I OVERCAME,
I just pulled out my umbrella when my life started to rain
it’s sad because I know some of you won’t face the fall,
All I ask, is that you teach our kids more than rapping and basketball,
I just want my people progressing, they may progress like you’ve never seen,
and come one step closer to the “American Dream”
Maybe they can buy the whole hood Llamas,
but I rather see them run a white country, like President Obama!
what do you know about it, holdin’ us back by giving us pity,
we don’t need it, you can keep it, we need you to think through this clearly,
it’s a perpetuating cycle, the reason we live this way,
we got mad bills that WE JUST CAN’T PAY,
pay this bill, that bill, get a small raise,
then loose the welfare benefits in a matter of days,
so we choose to NOT take the money that’s just sittin’…
so guess what, we’re really not benefittin’
it’s not helping us at all, but rather, it’s a hinder,
more like a deadly crash, than a fender bender….
get some skills my people, try to maintain,
don’t sit up here and just complain,
I see you with your Gucci and Prada purse, some of your stuff still has tags
then you get in line and whip out the food stamps, to fill your grocery bags,
then your baby has on Jordan’s, but can’t spell their name,
so what gives you the right to sit up here and complain,
do you even know how to communicate with his teachers?!?!?
you get mad because he’s in timeout, sittin’ on the bleachers,
unless you have done all you can,
don’t sit up here and blame “The Man”
this may be something that you don’t want to hear,
scared to progress because of that “black fear”,
you don’t want to be a sell out right?, that’s what I always hear
since you were born in the hood, you want to die in the hood,
if you think that’s cute, then go ahead and stay, maybe you should
look I’ve been in this same situation, no heat, no lights, no groceries, we all face it,
instead of you sittin’ on your butt waiting for a check, work to eliminate it
do what you have to do to survive, and I don’t mean rob folks and do drive bys,
I mean really better yourself, with some knowledge, it can be street or book,
I just want you to learn something and take a look,
look at this situation, so you can see why I carry it,
I’m not oblivious, I know poverty exist, hell some are married to it,
I grew up in it, if not worse off than you,
but I took a vow to advance and pull through,
graduated at the top of my class,
went to college, now I’m in grad school, I didn’t just sit on my a$%,
So don’t tell me achievement is not possible,
until you’ve exhausted all your options, and faced an unmovable obstacle,
for Christ sake now we have a BLACK MAN, running this here LAND,
you can’t need much more motivation,
do something people, I don’t want us to face annihilation,
In Africa we’ve faced assimilation, now we need some unshakable dedication,
I’m keepin’ it real right?!?! I’m tellin’ it like it is,
So don’t tell me to stay outta your family biz….
Yes,I lived “IT”, BUT “IT” I OVERCAME,
I just pulled out my umbrella when my life started to rain
it’s sad because I know some of you won’t face the fall,
All I ask, is that you teach our kids more than rapping and basketball,
I just want my people progressing, they may progress like you’ve never seen,
and come one step closer to the “American Dream”
Maybe they can buy the whole hood Llamas,
but I rather see them run a white country, like President Obama!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Relationships and the Platonic Friendships... REALLY?
Here's my little spew on how I feel about platonic relationships:
Relationships are hard things to keep together. The years, months, and days can go by, even minutes, and something or someone, could step in and ruin them. It could be insecurities, trust, or it could be absolutely nothing but a real platonic friend.
Prime Example: Things could be going well at home, but because of insecurities or jealousy on your part, or something as simple as your man/girl, having a "best" or "close" friend of the opposite sex. In your mind, it could cause harm, or cause you to think there is potential harm. This may very well be true, and in some cases it may not, use it at your own discretion.
Reasons Why You May Feel This Way: There is a possibility the "friend" could be chillin' in the cut, waiting for things to mess up at home, so they can step in. It could also be possible that this friend is the one that your significant other runs to when you have a disagreement at home. Sometimes these action would allow those of the opposite sex TOOOOOOOO close, and this can potentially damage your relationship. Everybody claims they have so much self-control, and aren't "that stupid", to slip up and cheat, etc. But at the end of the day, nobody is monitoring you, or with you every waking moment of your life, so it is possible, for someone to "go in for the kill" or "slide right in" under your/your significant other's nose without intent.
The Role Of the Significant Other: Trust is very important in a relationship. Most times all we have is the word of our significant other. There could be times when your man/woman is texting another female/male right under your nose. It could be a dangerous or straight friendship checking on one another, but you will truly never know, that's why you have to have trust, (Of course, unless you are the crazy stalker type). Your man/woman could also, be e-mailing, chatting, Myspace, Facebookin', etc., this other person and you not know. They have many access modes of communication going on. As the other half, you should make sure flirting is kept to a minimum, preferably none at all!, but it's second nature for some guys to have a slick tongue, we can't knock that unless we cuttin' tongues out..LOL but that's crazy :-). If you are going to be in relationships, it's best to have some form of discipline, self-control, and responsibility. Don't make your significant other look like the fool, by giving the other chick, or dude the upper hand and allowing them to come into you personally, and share a secret that only you two know. That sets yourself up for destruction in the end. We all know karma is a b*&ch, and what is done in the dark does come out on the light! If you do something, no matter how hard you try to cover it up, it will backfire. So just stay real, and be true to you and your significant other. If not, just be single and do whatever and not care. Life would be much easier in that case.
The Platonic Friend who is in a relationship: If you have a platonic friend of the opposite sex who is involved with someone, this can also, allow you or your spouse to think that b/c of this you would never do anything with that person. Well this can be a lie to yourself, and to your significant other. This type of platonic friend, could be the best one to have if you have plans to "mess up". They take less maintenance and you won't have to talk to, or see them often; other than the occasional encounters. In this case, I feel like no matter what, all calls, texts, chats, messages, etc, even to a platonic friend of the opposite sex in a relationship, should be kept to a minimum. Spend that time with your significant other building on your relationship, and not "giving" yourself to someone else.
Reassurance: Your man/woman can prove to you that they go through loops and holes to show you they love, care, want, and appreciate only you. This may very well be true, but if you are one that doesn't like your significant other having platonic friends of the opposite sex, regardless of this reassurance, you can question that. It may not be your spouse that you don't trust, it could just be THEM! The best thing is to just pray about it, and let the trust guide you and the progress of the relationship. Nobody sees everything that's going on, and at times all you have is "their word".
My Belief: I believe that at times platonic friends are great things, having the perspective from the opposite sex can benefit because you can get advice or examples that can help to improve your own relationship. We are a different species and we tend to think only our way, instead of seeing both sides to it. I know I have great times with my friends of the opposite sex, and nothing comes out of it, except pure fun, and laughter, nothing fishy, or worth questioning. I believe that introducing your friends to your significant other, and maybe explaining the extent of the relationship can smooth things over. I believe that it is healthy to have friends of the opposite sex, as long as you are disciplined enough to keep those boundaries up and keep it on the friend level. I don't think ANY platonic friend is worth loosing what's at home, if what you have at home is good for you, and you can see a future with that person. It's all about self-control, and if you don't have any, get some! or pray for some, both work wonders. If nobody else is listening, the LORD is that's for sure.
Relationships are hard things to keep together. The years, months, and days can go by, even minutes, and something or someone, could step in and ruin them. It could be insecurities, trust, or it could be absolutely nothing but a real platonic friend.
Prime Example: Things could be going well at home, but because of insecurities or jealousy on your part, or something as simple as your man/girl, having a "best" or "close" friend of the opposite sex. In your mind, it could cause harm, or cause you to think there is potential harm. This may very well be true, and in some cases it may not, use it at your own discretion.
Reasons Why You May Feel This Way: There is a possibility the "friend" could be chillin' in the cut, waiting for things to mess up at home, so they can step in. It could also be possible that this friend is the one that your significant other runs to when you have a disagreement at home. Sometimes these action would allow those of the opposite sex TOOOOOOOO close, and this can potentially damage your relationship. Everybody claims they have so much self-control, and aren't "that stupid", to slip up and cheat, etc. But at the end of the day, nobody is monitoring you, or with you every waking moment of your life, so it is possible, for someone to "go in for the kill" or "slide right in" under your/your significant other's nose without intent.
The Role Of the Significant Other: Trust is very important in a relationship. Most times all we have is the word of our significant other. There could be times when your man/woman is texting another female/male right under your nose. It could be a dangerous or straight friendship checking on one another, but you will truly never know, that's why you have to have trust, (Of course, unless you are the crazy stalker type). Your man/woman could also, be e-mailing, chatting, Myspace, Facebookin', etc., this other person and you not know. They have many access modes of communication going on. As the other half, you should make sure flirting is kept to a minimum, preferably none at all!, but it's second nature for some guys to have a slick tongue, we can't knock that unless we cuttin' tongues out..LOL but that's crazy :-). If you are going to be in relationships, it's best to have some form of discipline, self-control, and responsibility. Don't make your significant other look like the fool, by giving the other chick, or dude the upper hand and allowing them to come into you personally, and share a secret that only you two know. That sets yourself up for destruction in the end. We all know karma is a b*&ch, and what is done in the dark does come out on the light! If you do something, no matter how hard you try to cover it up, it will backfire. So just stay real, and be true to you and your significant other. If not, just be single and do whatever and not care. Life would be much easier in that case.
The Platonic Friend who is in a relationship: If you have a platonic friend of the opposite sex who is involved with someone, this can also, allow you or your spouse to think that b/c of this you would never do anything with that person. Well this can be a lie to yourself, and to your significant other. This type of platonic friend, could be the best one to have if you have plans to "mess up". They take less maintenance and you won't have to talk to, or see them often; other than the occasional encounters. In this case, I feel like no matter what, all calls, texts, chats, messages, etc, even to a platonic friend of the opposite sex in a relationship, should be kept to a minimum. Spend that time with your significant other building on your relationship, and not "giving" yourself to someone else.
Reassurance: Your man/woman can prove to you that they go through loops and holes to show you they love, care, want, and appreciate only you. This may very well be true, but if you are one that doesn't like your significant other having platonic friends of the opposite sex, regardless of this reassurance, you can question that. It may not be your spouse that you don't trust, it could just be THEM! The best thing is to just pray about it, and let the trust guide you and the progress of the relationship. Nobody sees everything that's going on, and at times all you have is "their word".
My Belief: I believe that at times platonic friends are great things, having the perspective from the opposite sex can benefit because you can get advice or examples that can help to improve your own relationship. We are a different species and we tend to think only our way, instead of seeing both sides to it. I know I have great times with my friends of the opposite sex, and nothing comes out of it, except pure fun, and laughter, nothing fishy, or worth questioning. I believe that introducing your friends to your significant other, and maybe explaining the extent of the relationship can smooth things over. I believe that it is healthy to have friends of the opposite sex, as long as you are disciplined enough to keep those boundaries up and keep it on the friend level. I don't think ANY platonic friend is worth loosing what's at home, if what you have at home is good for you, and you can see a future with that person. It's all about self-control, and if you don't have any, get some! or pray for some, both work wonders. If nobody else is listening, the LORD is that's for sure.
In the end: I know what I am to my man and that means a lot more to me, than who his female friends are/were to him. They just need to know their roles and respect that was well, if not then that's where problems arise. It takes a strong person to have that will power, that security, that love, and trust each and everything from their significant other.
Love is hard, relationships are hard, especially if you've been through a horrible one or even a few horrible ones. It can cause you to loose all these things. I find my source of strength from praying, and communication, it's all I can do, and leave the rest to him.
Did you ever feel like a platonic friendship could potentially threaten your relationship?
Monday, January 12, 2009
Have You Ever Been Alone with God?
Have You Ever Been Alone with God?
When they were alone, He explained all things to His disciples —Mark 4:34
Our Solitude with Him. Jesus doesn't take us aside and explain things to us all the time; He explains things to us as we are able to understand them. The lives of others are examples for us, but God requires us to examine our own souls. It is slow work— so slow that it takes God all of time and eternity to make a man or woman conform to His purpose. We can only be used by God after we allow Him to show us the deep, hidden areas of our own character. It is astounding how ignorant we are about ourselves! We don't even recognize the envy, laziness, or pride within us when we see it. But Jesus will reveal to us everything we have held within ourselves before His grace began to work. How many of us have learned to look inwardly with courage?
We have to get rid of the idea that we understand ourselves. That is always the last bit of pride to go. The only One who understands us is God. The greatest curse in our spiritual life is pride. If we have ever had a glimpse of what we are like in the sight of God, we will never say, "Oh, I'm so unworthy." We will understand that this goes without saying. But as long as there is any doubt that we are unworthy, God will continue to close us in until He gets us alone. Whenever there is any element of pride or conceit remaining, Jesus can't teach us anything. He will allow us to experience heartbreak or the disappointment we feel when our intellectual pride is wounded. He will reveal numerous misplaced affections or desires— things over which we never thought He would have to get us alone. Many things are shown to us, often without effect. But when God gets us alone over them, they will be clear.
When they were alone, He explained all things to His disciples —Mark 4:34
Our Solitude with Him. Jesus doesn't take us aside and explain things to us all the time; He explains things to us as we are able to understand them. The lives of others are examples for us, but God requires us to examine our own souls. It is slow work— so slow that it takes God all of time and eternity to make a man or woman conform to His purpose. We can only be used by God after we allow Him to show us the deep, hidden areas of our own character. It is astounding how ignorant we are about ourselves! We don't even recognize the envy, laziness, or pride within us when we see it. But Jesus will reveal to us everything we have held within ourselves before His grace began to work. How many of us have learned to look inwardly with courage?
We have to get rid of the idea that we understand ourselves. That is always the last bit of pride to go. The only One who understands us is God. The greatest curse in our spiritual life is pride. If we have ever had a glimpse of what we are like in the sight of God, we will never say, "Oh, I'm so unworthy." We will understand that this goes without saying. But as long as there is any doubt that we are unworthy, God will continue to close us in until He gets us alone. Whenever there is any element of pride or conceit remaining, Jesus can't teach us anything. He will allow us to experience heartbreak or the disappointment we feel when our intellectual pride is wounded. He will reveal numerous misplaced affections or desires— things over which we never thought He would have to get us alone. Many things are shown to us, often without effect. But when God gets us alone over them, they will be clear.
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