What is with her?! Is she seeking to find love from fetuses..does she not get tired of sleepless nights, buying out massive amounts of pampers from Costco...is there a mental problem involved, or is this truly her love for children. I mean I have a large amount of siblings and I love them all, and am blessed, but to raise an army, navy, football team, and baseball team all at once, is a bit much. I think this lady needs a little love from someone. I'm not sure if this is her experiement to get famous and seek handouts, I'm just not sure. Anyway, I write all of that to say, I think she's beyond crazy with this one!!! She doesn't even have her own house, and 9 times out of 10, she will not be working for at least another 5 or 6 years to pay her dues to society. It's amazing how someone can claim the babies are gifts from god, when they weren't created in a godly way (with a man and a woman), but rather in a science lab at the hospital. It's absolutely ridiculous for her to put that much pressure on anyone, she is not an octopus and can't use all 8 arms to hold the babies when they're crying at once. That's one of those things where her parent should have kicked her out and told her what the meaning of tough love is. Unless they aren't too well off in the head either!!! what would posses someoen to do something like that. I hope none of her kids end up likethe kids in this picture!!!
1 comment:
14 KIDS SON!!!! 14 TOTAL!!! Its people like her that make me not want to have kids. I know that if I get to Target right after her, there won't be any pampers left for me to buy! Not only that, but its the fact that so many people are bringing kids into this world wrecklessly.
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