Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My boyfriend made a good point with this blog check him out!! Read below:

I'm sure that you know, just as well as I, some folks that probably shouldn't have kids. I'm also certain that you know some people that already have kids but should be denied all parenting potential whatsoever. For me, it is an ongoing concern that the wrong people continue to bring kids in this world. It hurts me to my heart when I see a single teen mom pushing a stroller with a baby hanging off of her arm while one rides in the carriage. It hurts me to my heart to hear stories of women that continue to pop out children just so they can collect checks at the expense of tax payers while their children run the streets freely and unsupervised. And, it most certainly hurts me to my heart to hear of young fathers abandoning their seeds for whatever reason they have concocted in their brain as sufficient enough to roll out. Although, I'm sure that this is completely unethical on so many levels, I am proposing a State legislation that requires parents to be to take and pass an exam before being granted permit to engage in the act of conception. Also, those that are already parents have to retake the exam before popping out any more children.

In my mind, there is nothing unethical about this. Its called "Population Control" and makes more sense than continuing to enable those people that CHOOSE to rape the system of all its benefits at tax payers' expense.

So, I've devised these basic questions that I think should be a part of the exam:

1. Which of the following objects can be used to prevent pregnancy?

a. Box of Crackers
b. Box of Cookies
c. Box of Condoms

2. Have you ever used the above item? Circle YES or NO

3. If the annual cost of raising a child is $200,000 and the above item costs $3, how much are you saving by purchasing one box of the above item?

a. $199,997
b. $45
c. None of the Above

4. Do you have children already? Circle YES or NO

5. Are you currently receiving government assistance? Circle YES or NO

6. Are you currently employed? Circle YES or NO

7. If you answered NO to the previous question, are you currently seeking employment? Circle YES or NO

8. How long have you been employed/unemployed?
a. Less than 6 months
b. 6 months to a year
c. 1 year +

9. The reason for your unemployment is:

a. You have not sought a job.
b. You were terminated from your previous job.
c. You resigned from your previous job.
d. You lack professional skills/educational background.

Elaborate: _______________________________________________________________________________

10. Do you own a home? Circle YES or NO

11. Do you currently live in a residence for which you are renting or leasing under your own identity? Circle YES or NO.

13. Do you have a checking/savings bank account? Circle YES or NO.

By signing below, you agree that you will utilize your full potential to create a standard living environment that facilitates and nourishes that of rearing a child for the sake of that child's well being. You also agree that both parents, regardless of relationship status between each other, do agree to contribute to the child's mental and physical health by providing the quality assistance, time, and direction to the child's upbringing. You also agree that you will not abandon this child and that you are conceiving this child because you honestly desire to produce an extension of you. You agree that you will do your best to raise an upstanding citizen with moral values and character.

Mother X______________________________

Father X_______________________________

Witness X______________________________

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tia I love You are so right! People are having kids and have no clue how to be responsible.