Do you feel that the eyes are really this powerful?!
"The Eyes":
"The eyes are the window of the soul. You look into a woman's eyes—especially in that moment of having sex or making love—and you can see the truth. You can see if she liked it. That gives you more assurance than a scream, than her clutching you and scratching your back. You look into her eyes and see that she can't control the bliss that you're putting on her. I love that. That's better than a female telling me she's coming!"
Now I'm asking the men, if they feel the same way about the power of a woman's eyes. What do you think? I'll make my comments after I hear from you....talk to me people....
I've always told you that "the eyes don't lie." You can definitely measure a woman's emotion by the look in her eyes. I truly believe that. You don't even have to have a special connection with a woman to know how she is feeling at any given moment. For instance, I can tell when I'm on Metro if a woman is having a good day vs. a great day vs. a horrible day because of the look in her eyes, the way she looks at other people, if she makes eye contact or looks away... subtle things in the eyes that give it away. Its all a part of body language.
Good day vs horrible day..understandable. But to say that you can look in a person's eyes to see if they REALLY enjoyed something vs just enjoying it...thats deep.
...guess some are more skilled at it than others...
You can tell if someone is faking enjoyment. There is no look like the look of true and pure contentment. Anybody can scream. Anybody can holler and yell... but if I have ever seen you thoroughly enjoy something and it made you content, then I can make the comparison. Besides, real recognize real.
Yea you can't focus on everyone's eyes. Guys don't usually show their emotion and wear it on their sleeve like women. I can tell how a man feels by his body languge, it's usually shown by the way they're walking, if they have a slow lagging walk, they are feeling good about something, or just in a real chill mood. If they walking fast, they have somewhere to go, if they're slumped down, you know they're sad about something, the way they use their hands, hold their head, etc. I can read all that in guys. It's so easy to me. I've tried to read a man's eyes, but to me they seem blank..LOL no offense.
However, if I am talking to a female friend of mine, I can pretty much tell what going on with her by looking into her eyes
that's is how we communicate without communicating. We can hide it with body language, but the eyes don't lie. It's something that we can't necessarily control, all other factors, I think we can.
But when we're passionate about something it shows, when we're enjoying something, definately shows (both mentally and physically), etc. etc. try looking into a man's eyes and a females, and see what you find. it's a good experiment LOL
Lol to the last comment..but true true. The two of you have sold me.
I know who to bring my prospective mate to...
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