I'm a virgin to this blog thing. So I decided to give it a try anyway, afterall, I like to talk, debate, express myself or whatever. My boyfriend says it's good therapy, so who couldn't use some day to day tension release. So here it is my first blog.... I call it "Today"
Life, it comes at you fast, faster than you can see,
people walking, back and forth aimlessly,
roaming down these city streets,
my phone rings, it's him, coming to see me?
my face lights up, my heart skips a beat,
in heaven I feel.... special....he loves me....
now I'm apart of this industry,
not the one where it's every man for himself,
the one where you put hurt and pain on the shelf,
open up your eyes and your mind,
let love pour in, like a cold glass of wine...
my co-workers are near,
It's him i see,
the one you want to marry, they say,
"Why not? He's cool with with me"
We all laugh, yea I agree,
He is the one, made just for me...
awww, sounds like a lucky guy! lol.
I love you babe. Keep it coming. Once you start, you won't stop blogging. Nevermind the comments and whatnot, if you do it for you and you are true to yourself then others will see that and begin to leave comments.
And of course, just like you supported mines, I will support yours.
Nice intros unto the numbers as you are birthed into the world of bloggers.
I agree with 1beautifulmind regarding the passion which drives you to blog - anchor yourself in the growth one may achieve in releasing the liberty of thoughts in words, escape the confines of censorship by societal misunderstandings, and record your greatness in the capsule of time for all to witness... When you're doing it because you want to and not to see what others may think of you then others will follow just to discover more of you.
Oh and much favor unto the young man whom holds your heart. May, he never take for granted the sacredness of his position and possession of the throne he sits upon for there's nothing more fragile than an open heart and there's nothing worst than the scorn of a hurting woman.
What a beautiful piece! That was really poetic. Thank you for finally letting us into the "Secret World of Teeyah", I enjoyed my adventure. It doesn't come around often:)
Ya'll are too cute and I pray that God continues to bless your relationship as He has thus far. A functional relationship with the favor of God is a form of minstry in itself; it inspires and encourages others to love in a way that is above self-seeking. This is exactly why God created marriage- to be a picture of love and our relationship with God.
Anyway, keep writing. That way I can get more poetry out of you and sell it under my name. I mean since I'm in the country and all- the cows are already milked, and the hogs are already slopped... what ELSE do I have to do but read about you ;-).
Love you Teeyah!
He is a lucky guy!!! :-)
I'm not tripping off ppl commenting, I am writing for me for real, just to express myself, thanks for the love my king, as always *muah*
Ashawnti-thanks for the compliment, it'll take me some time to escape the confines of censorship, but I plan on it, I'm sure I'll get addicted to expressing myself.
Thank you for the prayers, its not an easy road, but it's possible. I love you more tata :-)
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